Replays of our Matches?
We could have in the future an game engine that capture the replay of your matches. Some reasons 1 For Advanced and ordinary players is good cause we can review our errors watching what we did 2 For any ppl to show to your friends a table flip game that you won extraordinary. After the match ends the game can ask if we…
Pokémon TCG Live 1.3.1 Update Discussion Thread
Hi everyone, Please use this thread to leave feedback and discuss the latest Pokémon TCG Live Global Beta update.
Is there a quit game button?
I was wondering if there is a quit game button in the game. I have been closing it by having to stop it through the task manager, or I use the windows 11 toolbar which is a pain. Can you show me where it is, or make one please?
For the love of God, it freezes the game and they have not mentioned fixing it yet, if you have a new deck can we please switch to another deck so it's not freezing up everyone's game....
For the love of God, it freezes the game and they have not mentioned fixing it yet, if you have a new deck can we please switch to another deck so it's not freezing up everyone's game....
Are the Pokémon from the very first code cards limited edition and will trading be introduced nxt yr
if I redeemed a Pokémon from a set that is out of print does that mean I have limited edition and will there be options for trade? i Have a charizard holo from an older set that is in my PTCG live collection but I can’t keep it in my deck because it makes the deck invalid. Will there be the option to battle with vintage…
Performance and overheating
The game needs options to desable unnecessary animations and visual assests like the background movements, avatar animations and others that just produce battery draining, overheating and terrible fps drops. I know the game needs to be visually appealing but not at the cost of performance and the overall experience of the…
You updated it through maintenance and it's still bugged,
Opponent's Archeon searched for energy and took 26 minutes to end his SECOND turn by timed forfeit.
Suggestion: Test patches before you release them
Seriously, what is going on? In a Lugia meta you somehow broke accelerating energy from the deck... Was this on purpose, or are you seriously just not testing anything at all? This is a massive blunder. This game is basically following its own meta because you keep making important cards unplayable. I'm sorry, I don't want…
Pokemon TCG Live, my career, my frustrations.
I don't like to complain about things as inconsequential as Pokémon cards when the world has much greater concerns to be had, but as a creator that hopefully fills the void with entertainment for some of you I like to share where my head is at. As you may or may not know, I did not start my youtube channel celio's network…