Best in this form?
What are things i can add to this? (This deck is with unreleased cards from Stellar Miracle, you can find them online) Deck List Lapras/Cinderace 3x Fire Energy 3x Water Energy 3x Fighting Energy 4x Psychic Energy 4x Dark Energy 3x Steel Energy 2x Mist Energy 2x Nest Ball 2x Buddy-Buddy Poffin 4x Super Rod 2x Briar 4x…
do you think you can use forretress ex with raging bolt
im just wondering
Stellar Miracle is the 2024 gamebreaker
with Stellar Miracle there is coming a new generation of pokemon cards. The “Stellar Type cards” are released. These cards have extremely powerful attacks. They cost 3 different types of energy. I think the Stellar Miracle set is going to be gamebreaking, and the decks contain more energy than ever before because you need…
Is teal mask ogerpon ex w/ forretress ex worth it?
im about to go to league cup and i dont know if this deck is worth it can you help?
do you know any deck ideas to counter charizard
do you?
Fairy type energy
I know that actually it doesnt make any sense but i am just curious can u use fairy type energy in standard format?
Best New Deck From Twilight Masquerade
Hey everyone, I have been playing a lot of TCG LIVE lately, testing the new decks and all, and I was wondering what the best deck from the new expansion is. I feel like I'm leaning towards Greninja/Froslass, since it kinda has a balanced matchup against everything. But Raging Bolt/Ogerpon and Dragapult is also pretty good.…
Building a deck?
Hi! I’ve been a fan of Pokémon for years but I only recently got into the TCG. I dug through my closet and found my old cards I used to collect but have no idea how they stack up against newer cards or what to even pair together. I’ve been playing Pokémon TCG Live to practice playing but I don’t have a lot of the new cards…
Best Deck Match #2
Time for match number two of the deck best deck bracket! This is also based off of the current meta, not which deck would win if they played each other, for whoever did not know. The two contestants are: Charizard ex Ancient Box
What cards are great for a Ninetales and Ampharos deck in the TCG?
WI confess that I'm creating a deck to play with Ninetales and Ampharos in the Pokémon TCG, and I wanted some tips on which cards to include in the deck.