Rulings on Sudden Death/Tiebreakers in League Challenges & Cups
Hi, In testing for LC's I stumbled upon the following scenario: It is the first match of the day, game 1. I use Roaring Moon EX's Frenzied Gouging attack to KO my opponents active pokemon. We both take our final prize cards and the game ends with both of us winning simultaneously. What happens in an official tournament? In…
Learning how to Edit Decks
All, I recently learned the basic rules of Pokemon TCG through the Starter Kit and then started playing TCGL since I have no one local to play with. Do you have any resources on what rules I need to follow to edit my deck and suggestions. I am still lost with that part of the game. Thank-you
Pachirisu deck, suggestions for improvement
Here's my pachirisu/honchkrow v deck I've been playing/refining ever since something similar whooped my Charizard ex deck. It's great against big hitters, but could use something… any and all suggestions welcome Pokémon: 5 1 Lumineon V BRS 40 2 Bibarel BRS 121 4 Pachirisu BRS 52 4 Honchkrow V BRS 88 2 Bidoof CRZ 111…
Favorite TCG Deck
What is everyone’s favorite deck to play in the Pokémon TCG? For me, it’s either Gardevoir or Regidrago VSTAR. How about you?
I need help on my deck
( im Sorry If i post This 3 times, none of my last posts randomly have disappeard to me ) So, I'm competing for a tournment this month, it's extended and I need some help on my deck, its an incineroar ex - skeledirge ex , wich doesn't sound that good, but it plays well. I need help on what to switch add and remove on it ,…
What kind of cards should I use for my custom deck featuring Meowscarada, Cinderace and Greninja?
Hello! I am planning on making my own custom Pokémon TCG for participating in a future championship tournament. The Pokémon I’m planning to use in my deck are the evolution lines of Meowscarada, Cinderace and Greninja, because they’re my top 3 favourite Pokémon. I was wondering if anyone would give me advice on what else I…
Quality regulation starter deck
Hello everyone. I am new to collecting and am interested in joining my local league. I bought a deck that I found recommended online, but some of the trainer cards are out of regulation. Does anyone have a recommendation on a deck that is completely in regulation that’s a good place to get started? Thanks.
opinion on greninja ex froslass deck
hey, I don't do many discussions but I am hoping that someone will give some feedback. I saw the froslass/greninja deck and I wanted to try merging the two versions of the deck, pidgeot and froslass, heres the list: 1 Frogadier OBF 2 Froslass 1 Cleffa 3 Greninja ex 2 Pidgey 2 Froakie OBF 2 Froakie TWM 2 Snorunt 2 Pidgeot…
Arcanine Ex Deck (Uses Arcanine Promo card!)
Hi there! I have been using this Arcanine Ex deck lately, and it has been quite successful. Growlithe from SV Base set is really great to start off with as it has the useful Stoke attack which basically powers up all usable attacks in one turn. Therefore going second in the first turn is usually preferable. Chatot is there…
I would like to ask, how do I play the Pokemon TCG?
I like collecting Pokemon cards, but I never played the card game for it. I just liked looking at the nice arts. Can someone teach me how to play?