Competitive deck idea (Want feedback)

After some feedback I wanted to come up with a deck that i wanted to do. And because I like to cause a lot of damage at once. I've came up with this deck.
3x Dipplin
2x Applin
2x Poltergeist
2x Sinistcha EX
2x Teal Mask Ogerpon (non EX)
3x Teal Mask Ogerpon EX
2x Wellspring Mask Ogerpon EX
2x Swirlix
1x Enamourus
1x Accompanying Flute
2x Bug Catching Set
3x Festival Hrounds
2x Handheld Fan
2x Judge
3x Professor’s Research
3x Bosses Orders
1x Ogers Mask
1x Hassel
1x Unfair Stamp
3x Kiran
3x Ultra Ball
1x Super Rod
2x Rare Candy
6x Grass Energy
4x Water Energy
3x Psychic Energy
I also plan to get this on pokemon tcg live
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I accidentally typed Poltchageist wrong. I ment to type Poltchageist
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this can work! Maybe think of the trainer cards you REALLY need and let the others flee.
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You're playing too many cards that Just don't help your deck play. Accompanying Flute, Kieran, Handheld Fan, Hassel— to name a few. You want to replace these cards with consistency staples like more rare candy, iono, Night stretcher, Earthen vessel, buddy puffin, nest ball, Fezandipiti and radiant greninja. Also you shouldn't play cards like Swirlix and Enamorus that have useless attacks. Replace them with cards that can assist your deck.
Once you've dealt with that problem, you're going to instantly start doing a lot better. Even though the deck is still not incredibly good— that being due to Dipplin just not being a good pokemon— you can make it decently good. It still won't be able to compete with decks like charizard and Miraidon, but it never will, so if you just really want to play this build then this is the best advice I have for you.
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Here's an improved list I developed for you. It is more consistent and powerful list, focusing on just a couple of pokemon to attack.
4 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex
3 Hydrapple ex
2 Dipplin
4 Applin
1 Sinistcha ex
1 Poltchageist
1 Iron Leaves ex
1 Radiant Greninja ex
1 Fezandipiti ex
3 Professor's Research
2 Boss's Orders
2 Iono
1 Thorton
4 Buddy Poffin
4 Energy Switch
3 Ultra Ball
3 Rare Candy
2 Pokegear 3.0
2 Earthen Vessel
2 Night Stretcher
2 Nest Ball
1 Prime Catcher
1 Counter Catcher
10 Basic Grass Energy
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