Implement deck screen to see all your cards on the entire screen
A full screen may to show your deck makes it look a lot better than a tiny low-res box in the corner
Lumineon V on bench didn’t get knocked out
I attacked a Lumineon V on my opponent’s bench using Kyogre from Crown Zenith. The attack did 180 damage and Lumineon had no modifiers. However, it didn’t get knocked out and I couldn’t take prize cards. It just sat on the bench with 180 damage on it.
Using Oranguru Primate Wisdom on zero-card deck makes you unable to play
If you use Oranguru's Primate Wisdom on an empty deck the Oranguru goes big as if you were going to select the card in your hand but it just stays there until your turn times out. Even on the next turn you can never do any moves or play cards etc. I lost a game because of this and Pokemon have said they won't change my…
Ladder fall ?
Hi ! I was as Umbreon level and when I reconnected the game, was at the beginning of Super League... not the first time it happens. Last ladder i fall asleep while playing late and when i woke up, was at the bottom of Poké League. What happens ? I remember that just before I started to play and cancel before getting a…
Low Motion Mode
Please implement a low motion mode (simpler animations, no stadium playmat effects) for those who are triggered by bright flashes and fast motion.
Code Cards wasted?..
I have entered too many to count of ETB, Build&Battle, and Collection codes only to realize today that they weren’t actually registering in game.. are they gone forever? Does PTCG Live reimburse for this? I wouldn’t even know where to begin with the various sets and amount of codes I’ve missed out on..
Toxicity in the game
Hi! There is no way to report offensive nicknames and unsporting behaviour like slow playing every move when losing or using hostile avatar face. Plus, most of the winning poses are very unmodest, promoting a behaviour that is not what Play Pokémon should promote. For slowplay, the play timer should for exemple decrease…
Hand information revealed by automatic actions
Some information about the cards in hand can be inferred if the action is done slowly, as it means there WAS a choice made, unlike how currently if there is one choice, it is automatically made. For example, Radiant Greninja's discarding of an energy is done automatically if there is only one, whereas if it is done slowly…
Unable to select a particular variant of a card from deck (and maybe hand/discard too) in-game
Having more than 1 copy of a card, but with different arts, show as a stack. You are not able to choose the art you want. This happens to a similar extent in the deck editor, where the lowest rarity is displayed, making selecting the art you want complicated.
Cards not appearing when shown on screen as part of a reveal
When an opponent must reveal a card, the card often does not load item and shows as the blue pokemon card back. The animation is fast so there is no information given to the player. A game log would be helpful as a work-around. The solution to this is NOT to preload the images of the entire deck as external programs could…