*PC BUG* Cards not showing up during card selection.
I'm unable to choose any cards, although it shows me that I do in fact have selections to make. When i try to press DONE it even tells me that I still have selections to make. I've gotten this bug nearly every time I try to play the game, forcing me to quit and rejoin, although it doesnt always fix it. It makes the game…
Pokemon TCG Live Blocker with Battle Vip on Turn 1
On my first turn, when i played Galarian Moltres V as active pokemon > Made a Hisuian Heavy Ball > Got a Darkrai in the bench > Battle Vip > Blocker My game doesnt show The cards and there is noting i can do to revive The game. Also this happened on my cellphone. Please fix this
Bug with temple of sinnoh
I used jet energy to get my greninja to the active before placing temple, I placed temple while having the required energy to attack with but was unable to attack even though I had the required energy. Lost the game cause of it. Was playing against Gardevoir.
Anybody know how to make the mobile app load faster?
Every time I have played the game so far on my current phone, it constantly loaded so slow, my turn timer started way before my turn actually got going. Is their any way to fix this? I really just want to play this game without a 2fps problem.
Can i go back to the old app?
My best decks got deleted, the cards disappeared. I wanna fo back to the old app, there's some way to do it?
Gardevoir-ex's Psychic Embrace ability sometimes doesn't work.
In my last couple games, there have been times where I was trying to use Gardevoir-ex's ability to attach a basic Psychic Energy from the discard pile to my Cresselia (074 Lost Origin) but it wasn't selectable. Specifically, it was the holo (not reverse holo) version of the card. Oddly enough, the last time it happened, on…
How do you fix ball search hang up
How does one fix ball search hang up as seen below in which you cannot select anything? Please let me know. I can't believe how many times this bug occurs. It's at about 1 out of 3 games in which it occurs now. Thank you in advance!
I lost all my years of hard work and money to this Pokemon TCG Live????
During migration I lost everything. I guess i wont be playing this new game! its sad how you can ruin such a simple game. Rip Pokemon Online
I can't log in to the game
For a month now I've not been able to log in to the game. When I succesfully put in my log in details and it starts loading, it stops at 31 and says Error 1009 something. WHY???
Canceling Cologne Bugged
Just tried to use canceling cologne multiple times, and it did not let me bypass the abilities of the opponents pokemon. Not sure if there is already a lost or not about this, but it's very frustrating when using the cologne would have won me the game... please fix your game pokemon.