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prepackaged decks?

why did none of the prepackaged deck builds migrate from TCG Online? I have the cards. but now I have to spend a lot of time creating the basic decks. I am not referring to my own personal deck builds but the prepackaged decks builds it is much easier to set up fair games with friends when using the prepackaged/ balanced decks.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited May 2023 #2

    The decks do not migrate to TCG Live (doesn't matter if are prepackaged or custom made). You can check the Pokémon TCG Live Migration FAQ in the offical site, they state that:

    "...Deck lists do not automatically transfer, players can export the text of their deck lists and save it locally, and then copy that text into the Deck Editor in Pokémon TCG Live; however, please note that this process must be completed before players begin migrating from the Pokémon TCG Online to Pokémon TCG Live..."

    Even importing the exported decks it's a tedious process, I can imagine how long and boring will be for you to rebuild all of them one by one, but that's how it is.