Gaining Battle Pass experience

Is gaining experience for the Battle Pass from ranked games directly linked to the number of prize cards taken?
I understand the logic here however I would much prefer my opponent conceding to not impact the amount of experience that I gain.
In my last game I was placing tokens from Urshifu's Rapid Flow to take my final 4 prizes. but my opponent conceded whilst I was doing this meaning I won the game having taken only two prizes. This left me with only 85 experience whereas I seem to get 155 for a 6 prize card game.
In my opinion, my opponent should not be able to deny me extra experience by conceding. The same goes for daily quests, such as KO a vmax - having achievables that your opponent can interact with and deny is highly frustrating.
From experience, it is linked to the number of actions you do. So indeed, if the opponent conceed, the match is shorter so you get less XP. However if you play as much cards as possible before it happens, you will get more XP. I don't know the exact calculation but that's what I observed