Searching problems, and cards stuck to the screen (No Pokemon, ball, or any search in the game)

I have made this discussion like 3 or 4 times since the game came out globaly. I cannot use the search function when I clearly meet all the recquirements. This puts me in a really uncomfortable position, because I cannot play the game properly on PC. I have bought like 2 season passes, because I trusted the developers to fix these bugs. All-in-all a waste of gems, and waste of time. This is really disappointing.
OH yeah. And the characters are missing every single thing, except the skins. Cherry on top.
I have the same kind of issues, and I'm on windows as well.
My feeling is that it is related to specific trainer cards in the deck: no issue while playing with offered deck, but everytime while trying with FA trainer or secret rare inside. While playing with SR energy or FA pokemon, no issues.
It would be interesting to check if it's the same for everyone, and if it's the case, it could be helpfull to fix these frustrating bugs.
Also, on my side I migrated my account this week: it was impossible to connect to Pokemon Live with my PC, it always ended with a 10099 error at step 32/33.
I tried with my son's tablet, and i have been able to complete connection. And once done, I was able to connect to pokemon Live with PC.