sorry just realised it isn’t tradeable yet as it’s the current expansion
What are you looking for? I need Starmie ex
I already got what I was looking for, sorry
Hi guys, I’m in need of a 2 Articuno EX, let me know what you would like to trade for them!
Friend ID - 8357645370615157
LF: A1079 Lapras (3 diamonds)
FT: Beedril, Victreebel, Alakazam, Machamp, Nidoqueen, Melmetal, Dragonite, Ditto, Volcarona, Marshadow, Mesprit, Heatran, Arceus
ID 9041596103632632
LF: Weavile EX
I have a lot of EX to trade
Do you have Articuno EX?
@Zeh31 trade you Lapras for alakazam
Added to friends