Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hi Guys!
I need some cards
3 diamonds:
Greninja (GA)
Eelektross (GA)
Machamp (GA)
Nidoqueen (GA)
Ditto (GA)
Leafon (STS)
Glaceon (STS)
Rhyperior (STS)
Bastiodon (STS)
Venusaur (GA)
Yanmega (STS)
Weavile (STS)
I can offer this cards:
3 diamonds:
Beedrill (GA)
Exeggutor (GA)
Charizard (GA)
Lapras (GA)
Vaporeon (GA)
Articuno (GA)
Jolteon (GA)
Gengar (GA)
Gardevoir (GA)
Kaputops (GA)
Pidgeot (GA)
Kangaskhan (GA)
Magmortar (STS)
Empoleon (STS)
Luxray (STS)
Togekiss (STS)
Dusknoir (STS)
Mesprit (STS)
Darkrai (STS)
Garchomp (STS)
Porygon-Z (STS)
Serperior (MI)
Volcarona (MI)
Vaporeon (MI)
Raichu (MI)
Mew (MI)
Golem (MI)
Tauros (MI)
Charizard (GA)
Arcanine (GA)
Blastoise (GA)
Gengar (GA)
Machamp (GA)
Mew (MI)
Pidgeot (MI)
Lickilicky (STS)
My Player Id: 1018899876444141
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@Darwizzy_0 Greninja (GA) for a Charizard (GA)?
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I want dawn or hoja please, what you want ?
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Looking for Snorlax(Genetic Apex)
This is what I have
Genetic Apex:
- Venasaur, Beedrill, Victreebel, Exeggutor, Charizard, Flareon, Poliwrath, Gyarados, Lapras, Articuno, Raichu, Alakazam, Mewtwo, Machamp, Kabutops, Nidoqueen, Muk, Aerodactyl
Mythical Island:
- Serperior, Volcarona, Raichu, Mew, Golem, Marshadow, Tauros
Space Time Smackdown:
- Leafeon, Shaymin, Dusknoir, Mesprit, Heatran, Regigigas
ID: 5111052242249355
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Luxray for Leafeon?
ID: 51110522422493550 -
@Darwizzy_0 Luxray for Leafeon? Porygon Z for Machamp?
ID: 51110522422493550 -
need the following for triumphant light set
10 - leafeon ex57 - probopass ex
havegarchmop ex
yanmega ex
infernape ex
pachirisu ex
weavile ex
darkrai ex
lickylikcy ex
mew ex
articuno ex
gengar ex
mewtwo ex
marowak ex