Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I have sent a friend request.
This is my code btw 8356432553846922
As soon as you accept me, feel free to start the trade with Dialga Ex and I will answer with Gallade Ex!
Thank you!
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Looking for the following full art one stars ⭐️:
- Gloom⭐️
- Tangrowth ⭐️
- Shaymin ⭐️ (STS)
- Mamoswine ⭐️
- Rhyperior ⭐️
- Croagunk ⭐️
- Marill ⭐️
In exchange for a full art one star ⭐️ of any of the following:
- Bulbasaur
- Squirtle
- Diglett
- Cubone
- Nidoqueen
- Golbat
- Weezing
- Pidgeot
- Porygon
- Salandit
- Dedenne
- Unown
Trainer ID: 9120725152843971
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hahave placenta togekiss purgly
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have glaceon, purgly, togekiss
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I'm looking for Palkia EX
I have: Exeggutor Ex, Zapdos Ex, Wigglytuff Ex, and Aerodactyl Ex