Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hi, I'm looking for:
3 diamonds: Darkrai
Can offer: Vileplume, Moltres, Exeggutor (GA), Alakazam, Serperior, Volcarona, Vaporeon (MI), Golem (MI), Marshadow, Cresselia
Also looking for 2 diamonds: Graveler (GA), Dragonair, Luxio, LT. Surge, Piloswine
1 diamond: Machop, Exeggcute (GA), Geodude (GA), Kirlia (STS)
Can offer: List too long to post here, let me know what you want for the 1 and 2 diamonds.
Friend ID is 0283882004957938
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I can trade. I have one to trade.
I am looking for
Genetic Apex
If you are okay with it
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Looking for:
07 yanmega ex
12 torterra
18 vespiquen
29 infernape ex
41 gastrodon
59 luxio
60 luxray
82 rhyperior
95 gallade ex
110 darkrai ex
114 bastiodon
119 dialga
120 heatran
125 lickilicky ex
128 porygon 2
129 porygon z
139 glameow
friend ID: 7943479566105583
show me what you need and ill let you know what i have from the list0 -
Hello! I need some 4 ◇
Genetic Apex
A1 123 - Gengar ExA1 195 - Wigglytuff Ex
Mythical Island
A1a 032 - Mew ExA1a 046 - Aerodactyl Ex
A1a 059 - Pidgeot Ex
I have to trade:
Genetic Apex
Exeggutor ExCharizard Ex
Arcanine Ex
Blastoise Ex
Starmie Ex
Pikachu Ex
Zapdos Ex
Mewtwo Ex
Marowak Ex
Space-Time Smackdown
Infernape Ex
Weavile Ex
Lickilicky Ex
My ID: 90415961036326320 -
Yeah! Send trade once yours completes
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Can do all 3 (1 piplup, 2 pidgeottos). Thank You!
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LF 3 diamond: shaymin
1 diamond: starly
Could trade pretty much any 3/2/1 diamond.
Ask me what you need!
Player id: 6467559743102071