Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Gyarados 078?
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Name: cljenkins7 ID: 5007-2278-1734-4350
Looking for the following;
♦♦♦ Rampardos♦♦♦ Lucario♦♦♦ Bastiodon♦♦♦ Garchomp
I have the following to trade;
♦♦♦ Butterfree♦♦♦ Vileplume♦♦♦ Exeggutor♦♦♦ Charizard♦♦♦ Arcanine♦♦♦ Flareon♦♦♦ Blastoise♦♦♦ Poliwrath♦♦♦ Gyarados♦♦♦ Vaporeon♦♦♦ Articuno♦♦♦ Greninja♦♦♦ Raichu♦♦♦ Magneton♦♦♦ Eelektross♦♦♦ Alakazam♦♦♦ Gengar♦♦♦ Mewtwo♦♦♦ Gardevoir♦♦♦ Machamp♦♦♦ Kabutops♦♦♦ Nidoking♦♦♦ Muk♦♦♦ Weezing♦♦♦ Melmetal♦♦♦ Dragonite♦♦♦ SnorlaxMystery Island
♦♦♦ Serperior♦♦♦ Volcarona♦♦♦ Vaporeon♦♦♦ Raichu♦♦♦ Mew♦♦♦ TaurosSpace-time Smackdown
♦♦♦ Torterra♦♦♦ Magmortar♦♦♦ Empoleon♦♦♦ Dusknoir♦♦♦ Mesprit♦♦♦ Giratina♦♦♦ Cresselia♦♦♦ Rhyperior♦♦♦ Darkrai♦♦♦ Regigigas0 -
I have a Jolteon 102 and a Flareon 045. Could I have the abomasnow and magmortar?
3021-3322-4055-52180 -
Let me know ur user and I can get those trades in. And sorry, I only have Articuno ex 084.
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Just realized Abomasnow (Vigor Link) is under restriction from trade as part of TL expansion so too new at the moment
I will get the Magmortar trade happening now, Jolteon or Flareon - you can choose I don’t mind
For Articuno Ex 084 - do you mean you have a spare one free to trade?
Thanks again!