Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
♦️♦️♦️♦️Infernape ex
♦️♦️♦️ Glaceon (SS)
♦️♦️♦️ Rampardos (SS)
♦️♦️♦️ Garchomp (SS)⭐️ Exeggutor (mythical)
⭐️ Squirtle (gen apex)
⭐️ Weezing (gen apex)AVAILABLE:
Arcanine ex, Moltres ex, Articuno ex, Wigglytuff ex, Palkia ex, Mismagius ex, Weavile ex, Lickilicky ex♦️♦️♦️:
gen apex: Vileplume, Charizard, Vaporeon (w/o washout), Greninja, Weezing (w/ gas leak)
mythical island: Mew, Taurus (w/ fighting tackle)
spacetime smackdown: Leafeon, Magnezone (w/ thunder blast), Darkrai, Heatran (w/ steel tackle)⭐️:
gen apex: Charmander, Golbat
mythical island: Dedene
spacetime smackdown: Carnivine
i do have some other full arts i may be willing to trade, just ask!friend ID: 1410466483126296
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@Astraeus123 i can do the one star charmander & snorlax for one star squirtle, weezing or exeggutor ?
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@giblocke02 i can do palkia ex for infernape ex
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LF 3 diamond: shaymin
2 diamond: prinplup
1 diamond: starly
Could trade pretty much any 3/2/1 diamond.
Ask me what you need!
Player id: 6467559743102071
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@LaBunia sending you Gengar for Marowak. Do you have any 2-diamond's you're after? I'd love to get that Venomoth from you as well.
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yeah I have a weaving ex! I’ll add
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@PDZGinger I sent a friend request and will send over the Mamoswine for the Regigas