Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hello, I can trade the #188 Pigeot (german version) for Luxray.
ID 6464800444765972
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@Astraeus123 I can offer Blastoise Ex (german version) for Dialga Ex
ID 6464800444765972
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Hi, I'm looking for:
3 Diamonds: Jolteon, Rampardos
Can offer: Alakazam, Vileplume, Exeggutor (GA), Vaporeon (MI), Moltres, Serperior, Volcarona, Golem (MI), Marshadow, Garchomp
Also looking for 2 diamonds: Nidorino
Can offer: List too long to put here, let me know what you need.
Friend ID is 0283882004957938
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LF 3 diamond: shaymin
2 diamond: prinplup
1 diamond: starly
Could trade pretty much any 3/2/1 diamond.
Ask me what you need!
Player id: 6467559743102071
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Looking for a Garchamp EX (047 Triumphant Light). Last one needed for collection.
Friend ID: 4216294587017831
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@Queen_V91 I have Regigigas for you if you want!
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Can trade Palkia for Pachurisu or Darkrai in English?
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The trade won't work. Both of the cards you're after are 3-diamonds and the ones you're offering are 2-diamonds.
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@Maskott69 had a trade offer for Pidgeot that came in before yours. :( Do you have any of the following?
102 - Jolteon 𖢻𖢻𖢻 ←Secret Mew Completion
125 - Hypno 𖢻𖢻𖢻 ←Secret Mew Completion
149 - Golem 𖢻𖢻𖢻 ←Secret Mew Completion
210 - Aerodactyl 𖢻𖢻𖢻 ←Secret Mew Completion