Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
i have an Articuno ex. do you have a darkai ex or a zaptos ex?
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I sent you a friend request from (friggins). I’ll trade you a Glameow for a Mesprit.
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I just need one. I don’t have a weavile but I do have a Mismagus EX if you’d take it
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can offer you either starmie or pidgeot for moltres ex!
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ok, I can do that for the pidgeot EX
3058035285717840 Pika42
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LF 4 Diamonds: - Blastoise EX & Articuno EX
- Can offer: Exeggutor EX, Starmie EX, Marowak EX, Wigglytuff EX, Gyarados EX, Mew EX, Aerodactyl EX, Darkrai EX & Dialga EX
LF 3 Diamonds: - Venusaur, Vileplume, Weepinbell, Lapras, Alakazam & Mewtwo
- Can offer: Beedrill, Charizard, Flareon, Blastoise, Poliwrath, Gyarados, Vaporeon (GA & MI), Articuno, Raichu (GA & MI), Magneton (GA), Jolteon, Zapdos, Gardevoir, Machamp, Pidgeot, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Volcarona, Golem (MI), Marshadow, Tauros, Torterra, Empoleon, Magnezone (STS), Togekiss, Darkrai & Garchomp
LF 1 Star: - Charmander, Nidoking & Snorlax (GA)
- Can offer: Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Gyarados, Lapras, Diglett, Cubone, Nidoqueen, Weezing, Dragonite, Pidgeot, Meowth, Ditto, Porygon, Exeggutor, Salandit, Vaporeon, Dedenne, Marshadow & Rhyperior
Friend Code - 7422-6968-0952-3618
Send me a message if you want to trade with which cards you need! Thanks :)
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Sure I'll take either :)