Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@Fly1ngf0x can trade Gallade Ex for Infernape EX
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Hi everyone,
My ID: 3281465997504618
Looking for: Palkia ex, Gyarados ex
Offering: Venusaur ex, Charizard ex, Moltres ex, Articuno ex, Pikachu ex, Mewtwo ex, Mismagius ex
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Hi everyone, looking for the below from Space-Time Smackdown - feel free to add me!
ID: 3061479798626457 (paranix)
Looking for:
◇◇◇: Shaymin
Offering / available:
◇◇◇: Magnezone, Darkrai, Togekiss, Regigigas, Exeggutor, Mewtwo, Golem (MI), Nidoqueen, Mew, Tauros, Venusaur, Butterfree, Moltres, Gyarados, Articuno, Raichu (GA and MI), Jolteon, Zapdos, Gengar, Hypno
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Sorry I was asleep! I can still trade Dialga ex for Blastoise ex if you still want? Ill add you now
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MoltresEX for starmieEX or pidgeotEX?
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I have starmie ex and could trade with aerodactyl ex :)
Send you a friend request
ID: 7229328123096566
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@Myan1992 I have regigigas and need Lucario.
ID 6464800444765972