Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@TotalSploosh I can trade Melmetal for Raichu GA. Adding you.
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i can give blastoise-ex for dialga-ex if u still need, add me and send dialga, will respond in sometime
ID: 3952-1383-9177-1298 (sakshampikachu)
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@trainer_shung sent the GA raichu. Sorry for the delay. Tornado warnings lasted a few hours.
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Can trade Vileplume or Alakazam for Jolteon. Friend ID is 0283882004957938
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Updated Trade List - Player name: friggins, Friend ID: 4232-9043-8133-1525
In addition to your trade offering, please reply with your player name so I know who to initiate trades with. Thanks!
2-diamond (prioritizing deck builds and missing pieces for Mew Secret Mission)
- A1 017 - Venomoth ←
- A1 152 - Marowak ←
- A1 184 - Dragonair ←
deck build
- A1 219 - Erika ←
deck build
I have bottomless 2-star cards to trade for these. DM/Reply with what you're looking for.
3-diamond (prioritizing deck builds and missing pieces for Mew Secret Mission)
- A1 003 - Venusaur ←
have ex
- A1 020 - Victreebel ←
priority - deck build
- A1 079 - Lapras ←
have full art
- A1 102 - Jolteon ←
- A1 125 - Hypno ←
- A1 145 - Machamp ←
have full art ex
- A1 149 - Golem ←
- A1 168 - Nidoqueen ←
have full art
- A1 177 - Weezing ←
have full art
- A1 188 - Pidgeot ←
- A1 210 - Aerodactyl ←
- A1 211 - Snorlax ←
have full art
For trade:
A2 012 - Torterra, A2 037 - Empoleon, A2 053 - Magnezone (x2), A2 078 - Giratina, A2 123 - Garchomp. Willing to trade others for deck builds and Mew Secret Mission completion. Reply with what you're looking for.4-diamond (prioritizing deck builds and missing pieces for Mew Secret Mission)
- A1 036 - Charizard ex ←
have 3-diamond
- A1 056 - Blastoise ex ←
have 3-diamond
- A1 084 - Articuno ex ←
have 3-diamond
- A1 096 - Pikachu ex ←
have 1-diamond
- A1 104 - Zapdos ex ←
have 3-diamond
- A1 153 - Marowak ex ←
- A2 007 - Yanmega ex
- A2 095 - Gallade ex
For trade:
A2 029 - Infernape ex (x2), A2 067 - Mismagius ex, A2 099 - Weavile ex. Willing to trade others for deck builds and Mew Secret Mission completion. Reply with what you're looking for.1-star (prioritizing deck builds and missing pieces for Mew Secret Mission)
- A1 243 - Weezing ←
priority -
deck build
- A1 244 - Dragonite ←
priority -
deck build
- A1a 069 - Exeggutor
- A1a 070 - Serperior
- A1a 074 - Marshadow ←
priority -
deck build
- A2 159 - Shaymin
- A2 162 - Manaphy ←
priority -
deck build
- A2 170 - Lucario
- A2 177 - Bidoof
For trade:
A2 178 - Glameow (x2). Willing to trade others for deck builds and Mew Secret Mission completion. Reply with what you're looking for.0 - A1 017 - Venomoth ←
If the trade doesn't work out with Artemis I can trade you Blastoise EX For Pachurisu EX
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@aBlackOnyxz can trade a Venusar Ex for a Pidgeot Ex.