Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Giratina for Omastar?
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Hey I can trade a celeb Ex for Gyarados ex
ID: 88638626223441471 -
hey, I've got 2 extra Lickilicky EX, do want one or both?
I need a Weaville EX,and if you want both Lickilicky, I could use one more Exeggutor EX, Celebi EX, Mismagius EX, or Machamp EX
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let's do it
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sorry have already traded the mismagius
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I can trade you Butterfree and Zapdos if you have an extra GA Raichu and ElektrossNevermind I can't read, my bad
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nevermind I can't read sorry for ping
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Building a new deck to test out. Need the following:
2x A1 150 - Onix
1x A1 224 - Brock
1x A2 081 - Rhydon
I have an ungodly amount of 2-star cards that I can offer. Just let me know what you're after.
Player name: friggins
Friend code: 4232-9043-8133-1525Be sure to include your player name so I know who the trade is being done with. Thanks!
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In the meantime
My code is 1240-0183-3731-6092I need
GA(Genetic Apex) Raichu and Elektross
I can trade-
Genetic Apex
Butterfree, Beedrill, Vileplume, Executor, Charizard, Arcanine, Moltres, Polywrath, Lapras, Articuno, Greninja, Magneton, Gengar, Gardevior, Weezing, Nidoking, Aerodaytyl, Snorlax0