Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
LF Lucario, ◇◇◇.
(GA) Beedrill, Exeggcutor, Arcanine, Moltres, Gyarados, Lapras, Articuno, Greninja, Raichu, Magneton, Gengar, Nidoking, Muk, Melmetal, Dragonite
(MI) Serperior, Volcarona, Raichu, Golem, Tauros
(STS) Glaceon, Togekiss, Giratina, Heatran
I have more I would consider trading, so please let me know if you're after something specific!
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I've opened few more packs, here is updated list of cards I offer to trade for another one from Genetic Apex set to complete my card dex:
007 Butterfree ♢♢♢ 1
014 Paras ♢ 2
028 Whimsicott ♢♢ 2
029 Petilil ♢ 1
039 Growlithe ♢ 2
041 Arcanine ex ♢♢♢♢ 1
042 Ponyta ♢ 3
048 Heatmor ♢ 4
051 Sizzlipede ♢ 2
053 Squirtle ♢ 1
064 Seel ♢ 1
073 Seaking ♢ 3
092 Snom ♢ 1
093 Frosmoth ♢♢ 2
101 Electabuzz ♢ 1
103 Zapdos ♢♢♢ 1
110 Helioptile ♢ 1
118 Slowpoke ♢ 1
124 Drowzee ♢ 1
125 Hypno ♢♢♢ 1
133 Woobat ♢ 3
134 Swoobat ♢ 1
136 Golurk ♢♢ 5
138 Sandslash ♢♢ 1
160 Mienfoo ♢ 2
162 Clobbopus ♢ 1
169 Nidoran♂ ♢ 3
179 Pawniard ♢ 4
189 Rattata ♢ 2
190 Raticate ♢ 1
193 Jigglypuff ♢ 1
212 Minccino ♢ 1Same format: Card dex number, name of the card, rarity and number of extra copies of that card I offer for trade.
My Friend ID: 4551-2736-8175-6723
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I can trade
Prinplup, manaphy, drifblim, staraptor and volkner
I need a misty and a wartortle
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Vaporean for Rampardos?
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Need (STS)
Mamoswine - 033
Empoleon - 037
Bastiodon - 114
Have spare 3*
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can do rampardos or leafeon for your Vaporeon! let me know then i'll add you
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Need 3 diamond —> dusknoir, porygon-z
can offer :
3 diamond —> vaporean(both), alkazam, mewtwo, muk, weezing, ditto, volcarona, mew, darkrai
ID: 1736-8711-1334-0524 (saksham0711)0 -
il’ trade you Lucario for Heatran.
if heatran doesn’t work, i can accept shaymin, empoleon, mamoswine, as well.
add me And start the trade :)My name is Crazyclick
Player id: 64675597431020710 -
i need your shaymin, empoleon or or heatran. But dont have raichu or omastar for trade… anything else you need? :)