Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@bbeast99 I have Giant Cape and want Misty!
Friendcode: 1059-1459-1269-4762
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Looking Ex 1) Celebi 2) Executor 3) Mewtwo 4) Zapados
I’d also take artucino, blastoise, starmies, a pikachu, gengars, aerodactyls, pidgeots, mismagius, and laprus
The extras I have are: two venusaur, two charizard, one machamp, one mew, two dialga
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Sent friend request
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ahh rip that id wierd though because SNS cards are tradable, maybe you still have a trade open and unfinished?
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I have a Gardovoir from Mewtwo
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Need 3 diamond —> dusknoir, porygon-z
can offer :
3 diamond —> vaporean(both), alkazam, mewtwo, muk, weezing, ditto, volcarona, mew, darkrai
ID: 1736-8711-1334-0524 (saksham0711)
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Looking for: Gold-star (Full Art) from Space-Time Smackdown:
Mamoswine, Rhyperior, Lucario
For Trade:
Gold-star (Full Art) from Genetic Apex:
Squirtle, Lapras, Alakazam, Slowpoke, Diglett, Nidoking, Dragonite, Ditto, Snorlax
Gold-star (Full Art) from Mythical Island:
Salandit, Marshadow,
Gold-star (Full Art) from Space-Time Smackdown:
Shaymin, Croagunk, Heatran, Staraptor, Garchomp
ID: 2589-8267-4629-5125
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Friend code 3674768978025349Looking for: Cresselia ***, Porygon Z ***, Garchomp ***.
Can trade: Togekiss ***, Torterra ***, Leafeon ***, Shaymin ***, Mamoswine ***, Magnezone ***, Mesprit, Lucario ***, Darkrai ***, Regigigas ***.