Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Looking for a Garchomp from Space-Time Smackdown Palkia
Friend ID 8958-7002-3901-8379
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I can do that if you haven’t already made the trade.
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Want: 4◇Celebi EX from Mythical Island or the 1 star.
Have: honest to Arceus don't have a good trade to give back just a spare Aerodactyl EX 4 ◇ of the same set and a Genetic Apex Mewtwo Gengar EX 4◇
Kinda just hoping someone has a lot of spare ones and would like to help someone who wants to play the game but can't seem to pull more than one of the good EX cards per month. 9245-1986-3044-1558 add me even if you don't wanna trade I'll try to remember to like your showcase everyday for free shop points.
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Just so you know I don't think you can trade Triumphant Light cards yet.
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I can send a Garchomp,
looking for Lucario but will also take Greninja, Gardevoir, Marshadow, Kabutops, Kangaskahn and Luxray
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The app doesnt allow me to trade Heatran at the moment. "You can't trade this card" :(