Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
friend ID: 8837115838395499
Looking for glaceon ex 4 star from triumphant light
Offering eggexutor ex charizard ex pikachu ex zapdos ex mewtwo ex machamp ex wigglytuff ex marowak ex celebi ex aerodactyl ex infernape ex gallade ex dialga ex
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hey! i have a lucario i'm happy to trade for a shaymin if it's the shaymin 1 star from space time snack down? lmk and we can trade!
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id like your mamoswine, but dont got what you need… maybe you need something else? Lmk!
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i got lucario, trade you for 3 stars shaymin, empoleon, mamoswine or heatran
Player id: 6467559743102071
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i can do weezing for mamoswine as well if ever. I need mamoswine.
Player id: 64675597431020710 -
i got nidoqueen for your heatran if ever you want to trade with me
Player id: 64675597431020710