Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
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I can trade hypno, golem (GA), nidoqueen for heatran (triumphant light), rampardos, crobat, origin form palkia
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I can trade hypno, golem (GA), nidoqueen for heatran (triumphant light), rampardos, crobat, origin form palkia
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Looking for Bastidon. I have too many too list. Let me know if you have one for trade, and if so, what you want in return.
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Add me! Friend code: 1059145912694762
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I can trade you a Giovani or Dugtrio whichever you prefer
My friend Id is 1240-0183-3731-6092
I would request Kabutos if you are able. If not I will take anything from a non-Genetic Apex set that is 2 diamonds.
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From genetic apex - I now need a 3 star raichu and a 3 star arcanine to finish decks.
Updated list to trade:
(genetic apex)T3-4 - 1 venusaur 1 butterfree 1 blastoise 1 pollywrath 1 gengar 1 machamp 1 mux 1 ditto 1 snorlax 1 exeggutor ex 1 marawak ex
(Mythical Island)
T3 - 3 volcarona 1 vaporeon 1 Raichu 2 mew 4 tauros
(Space Time )
T3 - 1 porygon-Z 1 Regigigas
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you got it, but that's my last one for now, running low on trade funds!