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I think I'm gonna sit this meta out

It's no exaggeration that 7 out of 10 of my matchups are Darkrai decks right now. It has gotten really stale really fast. I'm getting ptsd flashbacks of peak Hogrider.

I think I'm gonna sit pvp out for at least a couple weeks.



  • Werenka1
    Werenka1 Member Posts: 23
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    lol the meta has been “stale” since week 3 of this app launching

    Mewtwo gardevoir got old, fast
    Celebi serperior got old, fast
    Darkrai weavile got old, fast
    every meta deck got old, fast

    Every meta deck i have is called “Play Lame Win Game #” cause thats exactly what those decks are, and its not fun to play them either. Braindead gameplay using meta decks, no thoughts head empty

    atleast before Space/Time decks like alakazam decks could still fairly consistenly go toe-to-toe with meta decks, but now just cant keep up with the flood of constant chip damage, low energy cost power-houses, fast energy accumulation.

  • Blockinlick
    Blockinlick Member Posts: 76
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    During Genetic Apex: Mewtwo, Pikachu, and Charizard all had pretty even meta distribution. They had about 15-17% playrates each. Articuno + Starmie was pretty common too, not to mention Dragonite + Weezing. Meaning, you encountered Mewtwo + Gardevior at-most in 17% of games.

    During Mystical Island, Celebi & Serperior squeezed itself in there and it was a 4-deck dance between Celebi, Pikachu, Mewtwo, & Charizard, with Solo Articuno & Dragonite + Druddigon having fair amount of play too. Not everyone had given up on Articuno + Starmie yet either.

    When Darkrai + Weavile dropped, the Charizard decks disappeared for some reason, Pikachu playrates tanked, and Mewtwo playrates cut in half. Solo Articuno got dropped for Palkia + Manaphy and Dragonite decks almost disappeared entirely.

    At that point, Darkrai rose to about 50% playrate and with the Triumphant Light Release seems to have only gotten way worse.

    Comparing the first two diverse metas to this Darkrai vs Celebi meta is silly. They are not even close.

  • Shadowbrine1
    Shadowbrine1 Member Posts: 232 ✭✭✭
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    I like building my own decks it is just more fun that way

  • Blockinlick
    Blockinlick Member Posts: 76
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    So do I, but that has nothing to do with the original post.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,489 ✭✭✭✭
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    i got five consecutive wins with a metal deck I thought of myself. It's completely possible to have fun without this Darkrai deck propagation.

  • jinoballin
    jinoballin Member Posts: 6
    First Comment

    The meta is fine, I got 5 wins with Palkia and didnt even go up against a darkrai deck once. Seems to me like a skill issue. Also the meta shifts are the best/ most balanced out of any card game ive seen

  • Blockinlick
    Blockinlick Member Posts: 76
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    "I got lucky, therefore skill issue"

    You know the game likely has MMR, right? And the reason I see mostly Darkrai is likely because I am high MMR where everyone plays the best deck.

    So spare me your condescending dunning-kruger fueled vitriol.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Every card game. Every community complains about this.

    People are going to use the decks that win. They are going to use the best cards.

  • Werenka1
    Werenka1 Member Posts: 23
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    im very interested to know where your getting those percentages from… saying that during genetic apex youd only encounter a mewtwo deck 17% if the time is… a definitely a take

    I encountered almost no chariazrd decks during genetic apex, a few pikachus and an overwhelming amount of mewtwos. During mystical island it was almost exclusivly celebi with occasional aerodactyl and gyarados. then it was darkrai, palkia, and dialga, and now just darkrais.

  • Shadowbrine1
    Shadowbrine1 Member Posts: 232 ✭✭✭
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    @TheJeffers true true