Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I wanted the below cards from genetic apex
007 butterfree
013 Vileplume
020 victreebel
022 executor
035 Charizard
045 Flareon
080 Vaporeon
082 Omastar
117 Alakazam
125 Hypno
148 Graveler
If anyone is interested in trading below cards for something else let me know
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Looking for Gallade-Ex.
Would like to trade for Arcanine-Ex or Venusaur Ex.
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Looking for a 4diamond MoltresEx. Let me know if you have extra a need an equivalent 4diamond i may have!
click my profile and leave a message there if so. Seems way easier to set up.
Thanks so much!
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You have Aerodactyl EX?
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Looking for (Space-time):
2 diamonds: Cyrus
3 diamonds: Shaymin, Magmortar, Rhyperior, Porygon-Z
1 Stars: Manaphy
Can trade:
2 diamonds: almost anything
3 diamonds:
ST - Togekiss, Cresselia, Regigigas
MI - Serperior, Raichu, Mew, Golem, Marshadow, Tauros
GA - Butterfree, Vileplume, Victreebel, Charizard, Gyarados, Articuno, Magneton, Zapdos, Hypno, Golem, Nidoking, Melmetal, Dragonite, Pidgeot, Kangaskhan, Snorlax
1 stars:
MI - Exeggutor, Serperior, Vaporeon, Dedenne, Marshadow
GA - Bulbasaur, Gloom, Charmander, Rapidash, Lapras, Electrode, Slowpoke, Diglett, Cubone, Weezing, Pidgeot, Meowth, Ditto, Eevee, Porygon, Snorlax
My ID: 8374615168321691
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Looking for the following cards from Space-Time Smackdown - feel free to add me!
ID: 3061479798626457 (paranix)
Looking for:
◇◇◇: Shaymin, Rampardos, Lucario, Heatran
◇◇◇◇: Dialga ex
Offering / available:
◇◇◇: Magnezone, Darkrai, Togekiss, Regigigas, Torterra, Exeggutor, Mewtwo, Golem (GA and MI), Nidoqueen, Pidgeot, Mew, Tauros, Venusaur, Butterfree, Moltres, Gyarados, Articuno, Raichu (GA and MI), Jolteon, Zapdos, Gengar, Hypno
◇◇◇◇: Yanmega ex, Palkia ex, Blastoise ex, Marowak ex, Arcanine ex, Starmie ex, Gengar ex, Machamp ex, Wigglytuff ex, Celebi ex
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I have Wartortle, ninetales, tentacruel, Omantye, clefable, marowak, Kabuto, dragonair, tauros, and weepingbell.
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@Sdgosurfer I have weepinbell, lt. surge, tauros, dragonair, kabuto, marowak, clefable, omanyte, tenacruel, poliwhirl, wartortle, and ninetales.