Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@CallistoX0 I just have 1 and 2 diamond magneton, sry
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@Shanaal I dont have a luxray, sry
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Does anyone have the 1 star Vaporeon or 2 Continuous Steps Eevee? For the Vaporeon, i can offer the 1 star Tangrowth, Combee, Land Forme Shaymin, Shinx, Drifloon, Mesprit, Lucario, Heatran or Bidoof.
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@Deofoldo heatran for electivire?
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@xXSpewpaXx I have plenty of continuous steps eevee to trade. Would you have any duplicates of these cards from STS?
Id be happy to trade for any of those
FC: 4052-3923-0533-63870 -
I don’t have that one I’ve had really bad pulls for that specific pokemon
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@SammyLeeJones Hi, I would like to trade my Lapras for a Weezing.
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need a few. 1 ◇
mmagikarp, pyukumuku, electibuzz, poliwag, abra, spearow, kricktot
have lots of cards!
1588466048848769 sunfun
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