Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@Porygon_JPR I just have one dawn im sorry
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I sent offer. Please send Aerodactyl EX
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sending you the Aerodactyl EX I just got. Please reciprocate with Moltres EX.
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@Lorenz150795 u are already in trade, after u r done send porygon-z please
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done. 👍
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Looking for 4 star Dialga EX
For trade 4 star ex: blastoise, zapdos, machamp, marowak, pikachu, mewtwo, arcanine, and more
Ask me what you need!
Player id: 6467559743102071
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Looking for:-
Lickilicky EX
Dusknoir (3 stars)
can offer for Lickilicky EX:
Venusaur EX
Charizard EX
Exeggutor EX
Arcanine EX
Starmie EX
Pikachu EX
Zapdos EX
Wigglytuff EX
Celebri EX
Gyarados EX
Aerodactyl EX
Darkrai EX
Glaceon EX
Probopass EX
Tell me what you want for dusknoir
ID: 8154640437710115 (Mars)
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Have for trade, all 4-Star:
Gengar ex
Gallade ex
Darkrai ex
Looking for 2x Dialga ex
Friend ID: 0678500967963456
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I can do for Monferno.