Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I need a Darkrai EX or a Mismagius EX, these are the cards I can offer for it:
Charizard, Arcanine, Exeggutor, Venusaur, Starmie, Pikachu, Gyarados, Pidgeot, Yanmega, Pachirisu, Gallade, Celebi and Palkia, all of them EX of course.ID: 8923-5755-4219-7386 Nickname Dido
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Looking for:-
3 diamond —> dusknoir, rampardos, porygon-z
can offer :
3 diamond —> vaporean(both), alkazam, mewtwo, muk, weezing, ditto, volcarona, mew, darkrai
ID: 1736-8711-1334-0524 (saksham0711)0 -
I can trade you Yanmega EX for Palkia EX, please. Username is John, adding now to request trade.
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Looking for 4 star EX: aerodactyl ex
For trade 4 star ex: blastoise, moltres, zapdos, machamp, marowak, pikachu, mewtwo, arcanine,
Looking for 3 stars: flareon
Could trade pretty much anything in exchange, just ask your top choices
Player id: 6467559743102071
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ill trade lucario for flareon i am ready for a trade when yours ends. We already friends im crazyclick :)
Create a trade when you are ready
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@MonarchJay do u have dusknoir, rampardos or porygon-z for vaporean ?
if yes, add me please
ID: 1736-8711-1334-0524 (saksham0711)
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cant see your post, whats up? Seems bugged
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sure i can trade now dragonite for flareon. Just sent you a friend request i am Crazyclick
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Looking for:-
Pachirisu EX
Lickilicky EX
Garchomp EX
Arceus EX
can offer :
Venusaur EX
Charizard EX
Exeggutor EX
Arcanine EX
Starmie EX
Pikachu EX
Zapdos EX
Wigglytuff EX
Celebri EX
Gyarados EX
Aerodactyl EX
Darkrai EX
Glaceon EX
Probopass EX
ID: 8154640437710115 (Mars)