Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
If they aren't interested, I'll trade my Rhyperior for that Vaporeon!
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Thank you kindly!
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I cant add u for some reason this is my fc 6834411971976032
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can offer you a Giratina
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Hi,LF Yanmega ex.
I can offer the following:
Charizard ex
Arcanine ex
Marowak ex
Articuno ex
Pikachu ex
Zapdos ex
Mewtwo ex
Wigglytuff ex
Pidgeot ex
Mew ex
Celebi ex
Palkia ex.
Please let me know which one you would like to trade for.
ID: 9695253096323428 (Pikazard)
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I can give you a Grotle for any of these:
MI: Graveler
GA: Rapidash, Wartortle, Cloyster, Swanna, Eelektrik, Pinchurchin, Rhydon, Nidorino, Brock, SabrinaFC: 1204 8005 1899 1635
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I can trade you either Cyrus or Monferno (preferably Cyrus) for a <> <> Dawn (STS). Please.
Friend ID is 57962499950683820