Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
i can trade u a luxio
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i don't have dupes for cranidos, would u be willing to trade it for anything else?
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Sent u a request
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Oops, typo. I was wondering why I wasn’t getting any replies. Thank you for pointing that out. In any event, I’ll gladly trade for a foreman to diamond Dawn just about any other uncommon from a pre-triumphant light set.
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ok I checked GA:
Rapidash, Wartortle, Cloyster, Swanna, Eelektrik, Pinchurchin, Rhydon, Nidorino, Brock, Sabrina0 -
Hi, I can give you an Empoleon.
I need:
MI: Vaporeon, Marshadow
STS: Mamoswine, Electivire, Luxray, Rampados, Lucario
FC: 1204 8005 1899 16350 -
@Lorenz150795 i have vaporean(MI), do u have any of these : rhyperior, empolean (u offered it already but i also need)
if not then any of these → leafeon, giratina, dusknoir
i sent FR
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Need 2x Palkia EX and 1 Irida
Can offer for: Infernape Ex, Moltres Ex, Zapdos Ex, Venasaur Ex, Weavile Ex, Exeggutor Ex, Garchomp Ex
Can offer what u want for irida
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i don't think triumphant light cards are tradable yet brother