
Member Posts: 2 ✭
- There's no log to follow so I can't see what cards my opponent added to their hand; somtimes I need more time to read cards.
- If there's no log, I would like to see cards that are added to my opponents hand as revealed cards to inspect
- When my opponent knocks out my pokemon, the prompt to "choose a new pkm to promote" covers up the bottom of my opponet's cards, I cant see which ones have energy and which don't, I can't hover, and if i want to look, i have to click and slowly scroll across. (I didnt see an 'inspect board' option if it was there)
- I wish the inspect button was in a consistent position on the board when it appears. sometimes it's on the right, sometimes on the left.
- The placement of the rope/clock is at the top of the screen. Im not looking at the top of the screen im looking at my hand, there's also no sound cue that indicates my time is going down. Maybe make the board interact with the timer going down?
More Feedback: I would like to be able to reset defaults.
- changing my filters to include un-owned cards EVERYTIME,
- and changing my deck search from Valid -> All EVERYTIME is very annoying.