Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
just created a trade. Nidoking for your Mew
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Sent. Thank you. 😊
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i got golem 3 star,
i need butterfree, arcanine, flareon, kabutops, ditto.I just added you i am CrazyClick :) . If you have any of these ones i need just create a trade i will accept
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Looking for a Charmeleon (GA #34). Let me know what you need. I have several duplicate trainers I can trade if you need one.
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LF 4star ex : Aerodactyl EX, Pidgeot EX, Infernape EX, Arceuss EX, Dialga EX
For trade 4star EX: blastoise, moltres, zapdos, machamp, marowak, pikachu, mewtwo, arcanine,
LF 3 star : butterfree, arcanine, flareon, kabutops, ditto
Could trade pretty much any 3 star, just ask me a 2-3 choices and ill accept immediately.
Player id: 64675597431020710 -
I’m looking for Genetic Apex ••• Poliwrath, Blastoise and Aerodactyl.
Can trade them for:
Genetic Apex:
••• Vileplume, Raichu, Gardevoir or Nidoqueen
Mythical Island:••• Volcarona, Vaporeon or Raichu
Space-Time Smackdown:
••• Electivire or Luxray
User ID: 5539828425937184
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Looking for (Space-time):
3 diamonds :
Leafeon, Shaymin, Magmortar, Giratina, Rhyperior, Porygon-Z4 diamonds:
Darkrai EX1 Stars:
Manaphy, RotomCan trade:
3 diamonds:
ST - Togekiss, Cresselia, Regigigas
MI - Serperior, Raichu, Mew, Golem, Marshadow, Tauros
GA - Butterfree, Vileplume, Victreebel, Charizard, Gyarados, Articuno, Magneton, Zapdos, Hypno, Golem, Kabutops, Nidoking, Melmetal, Dragonite, Pidgeot, Kangaskhan, Snorlax
4 diamonds:
ST - Palkia EX, Gallade EX, Weavile EX
MI - Mew EX, Pidgeot EX
GA - Exeggutor EX, Charizard EX, Arcanine EX, Pikachu EX, Mewtwo EX, Machamp EX, Marowak EX
1 stars:
ST - Drifloon
MI - Exeggutor, Serperior, Vaporeon, Dedenne, Marshadow
GA - Bulbasaur, Gloom, Charmander, Rapidash, Lapras, Electrode, Slowpoke, Diglett, Cubone, Weezing, Pidgeot, Meowth, Ditto, Eevee, Porygon, Snorlax
My ID is 8374615168321691, let me know what you want to trade!