Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Can trade Weavile ex for Pachirisu ex
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Looking for 2 x Giant Cape (2 Diamonds)
Can trade for a lot of things, just let me know :)
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@Shanaal I have Gardevoir. I can trade it with your Weezing.
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LOOKING FOR: 4diamond Gengar ex from Genetic Apex Mewtwo
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LF: Weavile ex (201/155)
FT: Pikachu ex, Mewtwo ex, Wigglytuff EX, Blue, Leaf, Infernape ex, Mismagius ex(184/155), Volkner, Mismagius ex(199/155)
Friend ID:
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Just tried to trade Heatran for charizard and you rejected it. You don't need it any more?
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@Pmeister Do you have a spare Erika? I can trade a Giant Cape for it.