Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Sorry, I didn't realize but I dont have enough trade tokens
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No biggie, just let me know whenever you do.
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@VagabondFree I can trade Heatran for Melmetal
I sent a friend request my FC is 0690327305438066
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Looking For: Aerodactyl EX
Offering: Arcanine EX, Marowak EX, Gyarados EX
FC: 0690327305438066
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@Gustappe I already traded rampardos. If u need anything else let me know
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Username: BlackDevel
Friend ID: 6101729295513500
I Need:
Infernape ex •••• ( Fire ) A2
Gallade ex •••• ( Fighting)
Empoleon ••• ( Water ) A2
Magnezone ••• ( Lightning ) A2
Cresselia ••• ( Psychic ) A2
If anyone is interested, please reply to this message with what u want and what u offer and send me a friend request in-game.
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Username: BlackDevel
Friend ID: 610172929551350
I Need:
Infernape ex •••• ( Fire ) A2
Magnezone ••• ( Lightning ) A2
If anyone is interested, please reply to this message with what u want and what u offer and send me a friend request in-game.