Premium Pass Promo Card

I have a suggestion that would be awesome to pass along to the dev team- I have the premium Pass and for the most part feel like it strikes the right balance of incentive and competitive fairness. I don't think the pass should give access to cards that are staples or objectively more powerful. However, I do think the cards should always be an alternative art. With the Moltres ex and Darkrai ex premium log in mission rewards the card was just a promo version of the same card. While a promo mark card in a physical card game might feel different, in a virtual game the art is the standard. I actually discontinued the premium Pass for a little bit and am considering discontinuing again, but for me if the pass consistently offered alternate arts for its drop (like Mewtwo, like piplup etc.) that would be enough value for me to nudge me over back into the camp of keeping it. Figured if I had this feedback others would as well- thank you for the awesome game!
Hi there, @ZZ57, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback! We'll pass this along to the team for review. We always love hearing what makes the game more enjoyable for our players, so your input is super valuable. Thanks again for your support, and we’re glad you’re enjoying the game!