Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I can trade a garchomp with you if you have leafeon, luxray or Magmortar
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friend ID: 0580-9556-1361-2864
Need: 4 diamonds
Darkrai ex
Pachirisu ex
Mismagius ex3 diamonds
Have: 4 diamonds
Exeggutor ex
Charizard ex
Starmie ex
Pikachu ex
Mewtwo ex
Gyardos exA bunch of 3 stars
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@JerryThaJohnson Do you have lucario or rampados? I can trade you with Beedrill
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@Solidsquirtl3 I have another spare Palkia ex - if your offer with Weavile ex still stands, we can trade. I sent you a friend request :)
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Sorry I dont need anything else
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LF: 2x Erika ♢♢ 219/226Willing to trade other Space-Time Smackdown Trainers and any other ♢♢ I may have.
Friend ID: 4990600014664762