Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
LF: ⧫⧫⧫ Vaporeon (GA), Golem (GA), Torterra (STS), Leafeon (STS), Mamoswine (STS), Empoleon (STS), Rampardos (STS), Lucario (STS), Bastiodon (STS), Porygon-Z (STS)
FT: Charizard (GA), Articuno (GA), Gengar (GA), Mewtwo (GA), Gardevoir (GA), Kangaskhan (GA), Ditto (GA), Aerodactyl (GA), Volcarona (GA), Vaporeon (MI), Raichu (MI), Tauros (MI), Magnezone (STS)
My ID: 7389701295343098
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Have 1 spare Erika. Can trade for Electrode from Genetic Apex, Prinplup or Skuntank? English only please
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- Three-Star Space-Time Smackdown Magnezone
Long list of equivalent rarity cards I can offer
- Beedrill
- Charizard
- Arcanine
- Poliwrath
- Greninja
- Raichu
- Elektross
- Gengar
- Hypno
- Mewtwo
- Machamp
- Nidoking
- Serperior
- Aerodactyl
- Tauros
- Leafeon
- Glaceon
- Garchomp
- Bastodion
- Heatran
- Mesprit
- Dusknoir
Friend ID is 5796249995068382
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Magnezone for Glaceon English?