Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
LF ♦️♦️♦️Alakazam & Torterra
FT: Rhyperior, Exeggutor, Poliwrath, Golem, Hypno, Gengar, Jolteon, Pidgeot, Nido King/Queen
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Hi I can trade you a charizard Ex in exchange for your infernape Ex
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@paranixx if you have traded already, I could trade your palkia ex for my weavile ex friend id 3104042784816960
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@paranixx If you haven't traded it yet, I could offer weavile ex for your palkia ex. Friend id 3104042784816960
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Looking for a 2 <> manaphy and two 3 <> magnezone (electric)
Have many 2 and 3 diamonds to trade for name your price
Friend ID: 0614827855517372
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LF: Pikachu EX, Mewtwo EX
Offering: Marowak EX, Gyrados EX, Gengar EX
Friend ID: 0614827855517372
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@NomNomCamel Do you have Rampados or Lucario to trade? I can trade you magnezone.