Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Looking for Glaceon. (Smackdown)
I can offer (Smackdown) Regigigas, Porygon Z, Garchomp, Bastiodan, Darkrai, Dusknoir, Togekiss, Luxray, Empoleon, Magmortor,
(Mythical) Tauro, Marshadow, Golem, Mew, Raichu, Vaporeon, Volcarona, Serperior,
(Genetic) Snorlax, Aerodactly, Kangaskan, Dragonite, Muk, Kabutops, Golem, Machamp, Gardevoir, Hypno, Gengar, Alakazam, Zappos, Raichu, Vaporeon, Lapras, Poliwrath, Moltres, Flareon, Charzard, Exeggutor, Victreebel, Vileplume, Beedrill, Butterfree.
Please note this are all 3 diamond, not EX or Full art.
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@mcgriggle Darkrai for Mamoswine?
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Looking to complete the Space-Time Smackdown set!
ID: 3061479798626457 (paranix)
Looking for:
◇◇◇: Shaymin, Magmortar, Empoleon, Electivire, Rampardos, Lucario, Heatran, Garchomp
◇◇◇◇: Mismagius ex, Weavile ex, Dialga ex, Lickilicky ex
Offering / available:◇◇◇: Mesprit, Magnezone, Darkrai, Togekiss, Dusknoir, Regigigas, Exeggutor, Mewtwo, Golem (GA and MI), Nidoqueen, Pidgeot, Mew, Tauros, Venasaur, Butterfree, Moltres, Gyarados, Articuno, Raichu (GA and MI), Jolteon, Zapdos, Gengar, Hypno,
◇◇◇◇: Yanmega ex, Palkia ex, Blastoise ex, Marowak ex, Arcanine ex, Starmie ex, Gengar ex, Machamp ex, Wigglytuff ex, Celebi ex