Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@buy-BTC deal. My id no. is 6962285642202921.
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Thank You. I sent the trade proposal. :)
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Ok I sent mine out
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I can do charizard for poliwrath
ID: 5047256248525357
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I have zard. Can I have kangaskhan
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Just need 3 3-Diamond Cards to finish up Space Time.
I need Rhyperior, Giratina, and Glaceon.
I can offer (Smackdown) Regigigas, Porygon Z, Garchomp, Bastiodan, Darkrai, Dusknoir, Togekiss, Luxray, Empoleon, Magmortor,
(Mythical) Tauro, Marshadow, Golem, Mew, Raichu, Vaporeon, Volcarona, Serperior,
(Genetic) Snorlax, Aerodactly, Kangaskan, Dragonite, Muk, Kabutops, Golem, Machamp, Gardevoir, Hypno, Gengar, Alakazam, Zappos, Raichu, Vaporeon, Lapras, Poliwrath, Moltres, Flareon, Charzard, Exeggutor, Victreebel, Vileplume, Beedrill, Butterfree.
Please note this are all 3 diamond, not EX or Full art.
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