Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Need Starmie EX,
Can trade
Exeggutor EX
Pikachu EX
Weavile EX
Zapados EX
Mew EX
Palkia EX
Pachirisu EX
Charizard EX
Articuno EX
Blastoise EX
Machamp EX
Yanmega EX
Mismagus EX
Lickilicky EX0 -
Hey! I just need these to complete these decks!
Three diamonds I need (all from genetic apex)Eelektross, magnetron,
Three diamonds I can trade are (from genetic apex and mythical islands)
Venusaur, Victreebel, Flareon, poliwrath, Gyarados, alakazam, aerodactyl, Beedrill, Blastiose, Gyarados, Articuno, Raichu, Zapdos, Gengar, Machamp, Golem, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Muk, Melmetal, Dragonite, Kangaskhan,
(Mythical islands three diamonds) Volcarona, vaporeon, Raichu, Mew, Marshadow, TaurosFour Diamond/EX cards
From mythical islands I need a pidgeot Ex
From genetic apex I need a gengar Ex,
What I can trade are- , Wigglytuff Ex, Machamp Ex, Zapdos Ex, Mewtwo Ex, Blastiose Ex,0 -
Hi I can trade either Wigglytuff EX or Pickachu EX for Starmie EX
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Looking for Moltres EX 047, Mewtwo EX 129, Magneton 098 and Gyarados EX 018 from mythical island.
I have: Mew EX 032, Exeggutor 069 Full art , Charizard EX 036, Blastoise EX 056, Nidoqueen 240 full art, Rapidash 231 full art.
ID: 6433037681436392
English only
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Hey! I have a wigglytuff Ex or Blastiose Ex for your gengar Ex!