Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
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i have kadabra , i need erika sabrina giovani FC 5488-6618-5397-1698
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I need kabutops dudes, You can write whatever you want.
My ID: 8074-8786-6891-5432
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hey here’s a list for those who can gently help
LF 1 star : weezing full art (poison ability)
have 1 star to trade : Gyarados Exeggutor Nidoking Ditto Diglett
LF 4 diamonds zapdoseEx and 3 diamonds magneton ability / I have to trade a Wigglytuff ex or a Blastoise Ex or eventually a MewtwoEx
For 3 diamonds i have : venusaur beedrill articuno snorlax or weezing with ability
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Hey I have a machamp Ex for your pikachu ex! My friend ID is 7978059810918747 name- Arcoíris just add me if you’re interested
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Hello there!
Looking for jolteon or melmetal.
Can offer 3 diamonds: blastoise, exeggutor, victreebell, bedrill, raichu, mewtwo, wheezing, pidgeot, volcarona, golem, marshadow.
Can offer ex's: gyarados, pidgeot, marowak, articuno
Friend ID 5479588537453004
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I have both. Looking for Raichu (GA), Victreebel, Poliwrath, Pidgeot (GA), or Alakazam.