Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Thanks for the trade bro!
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I Need: Pidgeot EX
I Have: Venusaur EX, Exeggutor EX, Arcanine EX, Moltres EX
@ me if you would like to trade/friend me with a trade request and we will go through until the card you want from this list aboveFriend Code: 1220969287341309
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Looking for Pachirisu ex or Exeggutor ex
Can trade for Yanmega ex, Mismagius ex, Gallade ex, Starmie ex, Pikachu ex, Mewtwo ex, Machamp ex, Marowak ex, Wigglytuff ex.
Friend ID: 8249 8919 0486 6729
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Hey @kabiTeo i have the Eelektross, but i only need the golem from the pikachu pack right now. Let me know if you have it for trade
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Hi! This is what I'm Looking For to complete the set, and what I have For Trade.
Haunter (A1 121)
Porygon (A1 209)
To many to list. Tell me if you want a specific one.◊◊◊:
Vileplume (A1 013)
Flareon (A1 045)
Beedrill (A1 010)
Exeggutor (A1 022)
Arcanine (A1 040)
Moltres (A1 046)
Magenton (A1 098)
Zapdos (A1 103)
Nidoking (A1 171)
Muk (A1 175)
Dragonite (A1 185)
Ditto (A1 205)◊◊◊◊:
Starmie EX (A1 076)
Pikachu EX (A1 096)
Marowak EX (A1 153)
Blastoise EX (A1 056)
Articuno EX (A1 084)
Zapdos EX (A1 104)
Gengar EX (A1 123)
Wigglytuff EX (A1 195)
Mew EX (A1a 032)ID:
AldenDegrit0 -
Hello! I’ll just put this in one post since I’m trying to complete the decks lol
Three diamonds I need (all from genetic apex) Eelektross, magnetron ,
Three diamonds I can trade are (from genetic apex and mythical islands)— Victreebel, Flareon, poliwrath, alakazam, aerodactyl, vaporeon, mew,
Full arts I have and willing to trade
Bulbasaur, Charmander, gyarados, electrode, diglett, Drgaonite, eevee, serperior,I do not need these full arts! (I thought this was easier bc idk the full list of full arts sorry these I have but don’t have enough to trade sorry!)
, squirtle, slowpoke, Cubone, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, golbat, Weezing, pidgeot, meowth, Ditto, porygon, exeggutor, Salandit, dedenne, marshadow, manaphy,ID- 7978059810918747 (pls comment before friending lol)
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Hey, I have the haunter and porygon for you. If you have a Kirlia and a Blue, I would like them, but if you don't, you can give me anything, just happy to help you out.
My ID: 5397640946266927
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Hello would you have a gardevoir or a muk?
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I need:
Gengar EXI can trade:
Articuno EX
Wigglytuff EX
Arcanine EX
Mew EXpls it’s the last diamond card I need for gen apex
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hey guys! i've got a mewtwo ex (four diamond rarity) i can part with, i'm looking for an exeggutor ex (four diamond rarity). i also have an extra mew ex (four diamond rarity) i could part with instead!
Also please feel free to ADD ME TO TRADE LIKES. I send likes daily.
ID:0402-8504-0544-7288 (JabberWok)