Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I can trade you Articuno EX for Starmie EX (A1 076), Pikachu EX (A1 096) or Marowak EX (A1 153).
9213-3975-7015-12940 -
Hey! I have a poliwrath if you have a if you Eelektross, jolteon, vaporeon , or Lapras to trade that’ll be great! I have an extra tentacool card (the two star one right?) to give you also (I can take any card for that one!) My ID is 7978-0598-1091-8747
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I'll trade marowak ex
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2x Exeggutor EX
I can offer:
Bulbasaur FA (FULL ART) x2
Lapras FA x1
Electrode FA x2
Diglett FA x1
Cubone FA x1
Weezing FA X2
Dragonite FA x2
Charizard EX X1
Pikachu EX X1
Aritcuno EX X1
Blastoise EX X1
Machamp EX X2
Wigglytuff EX X2If you want any of this cards just send me trade offer and ill accept asap
Friend ID: 6279-2941-4471-86180 -
Friend ID: 1547931984419662
I need:
Hypno (3 Diamond - Genetic Apex Pikachu)
Can trade:
3 diamond duplicates (Genetic Apex): Vileplume, Flareon, Moltres, Poliwrath, Articuno, Magneton, Alakazam, Mewtwo, Melmetal, Snorlax
3 diamond duplicates (Mythical Island): Serperior, Mew, Marshadow, Tauros
3 diamond duplicates (Space-Time Smackdown): Magnezone, Togekiss, Mespirit
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Sure, add me.
ID: 9213-3975-7015-1294
Thanks0 -
I can trade an Exeggutor for a Flareon if you have one.
ID: 9213-3975-7015-1294
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Ill trade you Gyarados EX for Blastoise EX?
Added you