add me i have 1 Vaperon illustrated 1 star and 1 Vaperon 3 diamond just send me offer
I have 1 Vaperon illustrated 1 Star and
1 Vaperon 3 diamonds with wash out both cards just send me offer bro
I will send you a celebi ex for a gyarados ex. my name is Kamyleiro
im waiting ur trade
we can do that, but you are already trading
I'll trade you Arcanine for Ditto (willing to do more than 1) Gyarados for Muk, and Articuno for Dragonite
User id and name
What i need in Apex
Greninja/ArticunoEx/Zaptos/VenusaurEx/Vileplume/Charizard/ArcanineEx/Moltres Ex
What i need in Island
Pidgeot Ex
i can Offer
2xCharizard Ex/1xZaptos Ex/3xMarowak Ex
venusaur for charizard I will add you now
Done it, I've sent you the trade offer
You are in trade bro