Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hello again! I 'm still looking for a few three diamonds cards from Genetic Apex: Vileplume, Charizard, Kabutops, Aerodactyl and Snorlax.
In exchange I'm willing to offer Victreebell, Gyarados, Gardevoir, Machamp, Dragonite, Kangaskhan, Vaporeon (Mystical Island) and Raichu (Mystical Island).
My friend ID: 8080-3010-9383-6671
Thank you!
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LF: Palkia EX, Magneton (apex), Haunter(apex), Pidgeot EX, venusaur ex, Zappos ex
Trade offer: Lapras full art, dragonite full art, exeggutor full art, charmander full art, vaporeon full art and more just lmk what you want.
Trainer ID: 0092955615721545
Thanks in advanced