Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Looking for: Starmie ex, Articuno ex
Will trade: Charizard ex, Moltres ex, Pikachu ex
Username: DrTrap
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I can give you the moltres 047 for a Charizard EX, code is 7063219460534104 I show up as Kayla
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User id and name
As for ex i can do Venusaur ex and Arcanine ex for Starmie ex, Gyarados ex or Wigglytuff ex
Also have Charizard and Vileplume that i could trade for any of the following: Alakazam, Eelektross, Weezing (Apex), Nidoqueen, Ditto, Venusaur, Gyarados, Lapras, Arcanine
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@Kaisuno1 weavile ex for lickyilicky ex done just add my code 6957728298031535
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Need Melmetal 3 diamond. Can offer Marshadow, Butterfield, Arcane, Volcarona, Raichu.
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Friend ID: 7379-1192-3014-0488, User name: Zmudek
for 3D I have:
Butterfree #007 Charizard #035 Blastoise #055 Greninja #089 Raichu(GA) #095 Machamp #145 Muk #175 Wizzing #177 Dragonite #185 Ditto #205, Serperior #006, Volcarona #014, Raichu(MI) #026
I need:
Venusaur #003 Arcanine #040 Gyardos #078 Lapras #079 Vaporeon(GA) #080 Articuno #083 Elektross #109 Zaptos #103 Hypno #125 Golem(GA) #149 Kangaskan #203 Kabutops #159 Golaem(MI) #045