Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
EDIT: found everything I needed
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Looking for Moltres EX 047, Mewtwo EX 129, Magneton 098 and Gyarados EX 018 from mythical island.
I have: Mew EX 032, Exeggutor 069 Full art , Charizard EX 036, Blastoise EX 056, Nidoqueen 240 full art, Rapidash 231 full art.
ID: 6433037681436392
English only
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I can trade a kabutops for a Greninja, code is 7063219460534104
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Hey all! I need the following cards to complete my Pokedex (and some I'd like more than 1 copy of). Lmk some options you're willing to trade for:
- Vileplume #13
- Starmie #75
- Starmie ex #76 (x2)
- Lapras #79
- Swanna #86
- Alakazam #117
- Marowak ex #153 (x2)
- Kabutops #159
- Pidgeot #188
- Ditto #205 (x2)
Friend ID: 7260204908177241
Name: Giovanni
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looking for Exeggutor EX (Genetic Apex 023), and Mew EX (Mythical Island 032).
I can offer Pikachu EX (Genetic Apex 096), Gyarados EX (Mythical Island 018), Celebi EX (Mythical Island 003) and Pidgeot EX (Mythical Island 059).
In game name: Ironwaffles
ID: 3487160595158891
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Ill take a Pikachu ex for moltres ex.
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Friend ID: 1547931984419662
I need:
Omastar (3 Diamond - Genetic Apex Pikachu)
Jolteon (3 Diamond - Genetic Apex Pikachu)
Hypno (3 Diamond - Genetic Apex Pikachu)
Golem (3 Diamond - Genetic Apex Pikachu)
Nidoking (3 Diamond - Genetic Apex Pikachu)
Aerodactyl (3 Diamond - Genetic Apex Mewtwo)
Can trade:
3 diamond duplicates (Genetic Apex): Vileplume, Flareon, Moltres, Blastoise, Poliwrath, Articuno, Magneton, Alakazam, Mewtwo, Kabutops, Melmetal, Snorlax
3 diamond duplicates (Mythical Island): Serperior, Mew, Marshadow, Tauros
3 diamond duplicates (Space-Time Smackdown): Magnezone, Togekiss, Mespirit
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FT: 1☆ Pinsir
LF: 1☆ of any: Rapidash, Electrode, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Snorlax, Exeggutor, Dedennne
Friend ID 9228506776756444